Sunday, March 28, 2021

What Kind of King is This? (Palm Sunday) ( Full Service)

    Preparing our hearts for Easter. 

What Kind of King is This? (Palm Sunday)

Biblical Symbolism in the Triumphal Entry:
Jesus borrows an animal - something a king is authorized to do.
Jesus rides a colt - fulfilling a Zechariah 9:9 prophecy that the Messianic king will enter Jerusalem on a colt. (A young donkey.)
Jesus rides an unbroken colt - symbolizing that even animals recognize him as king.
The people shout "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" - fulfilling a prophecy in Psalm 118:25,26 about the Messianic king.

How Goes Your Walk?
How is Jesus a different kind of king?
What does this mean to you?
What are you going to do this week to "watch Jesus?"

The "Watch Jesus" Challenge:
1) Between now and Easter read through one or more of the Gospel accounts of Jesus' final week.
They can be found in Matthew 21-28, Mark 11-16, Luke 19-24, or John 12-21.

2) If you are on Social Media, post about Jesus - and what you notice/ appreciate about Him. (A Bible verse that catches your attention?)

3) Take time to remember what Jesus' death means for you.
Maundy Thursday. Drive-though Communion. 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
Good Friday - Prayer Before the Cross. 5-8 pm.

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