Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Timothy - You Are a Spiritual Athlete (1 Timothy Chapter 4)

The lie we too often believe. The truth we too often forget.

What sport(s) do you most enjoy watching or playing? Why?

Timothy faces the challenge of his life as he works to remove the influence of false teachers on the church in Ephesus and tries to get the church to re-focus on the good news of Jesus. In this chapter, Paul instructs Timothy to teach the church to avoid a particularly extreme form of legalism that they have fallen for and counsels Timothy to train his life in godliness so he can lead well in the midst of challenges.

Where Is It Written:
Read 1 Timothy 4:1-6
It seems that some in the church had given into excesses and abuses of food, drink, and sex to the degree that now that they were trying to follow Christ, they not only avoided the excesses, they also avoided every good aspect of these gifts.

How were these false teachers like consciences seared with a "hot iron?"
How is "thanksgiving" the solution to this problem?
How do you see this problem reappearing today?

Read 1 Timothy 4:7-16
How is following Jesus like being a spiritual athlete?
What are some essential aspects of training? (What is listed here?)
How is training ourselves in godliness different than legalism?

How Goes Your Walk:
How do you train in godliness?
What aspects of training do you find the most difficult?
Verse 16 tells us to "watch your life and doctrine closely." What kind of person are you becoming? What attributes are you developing? How is your thought life (doctrine) part of that?
What lies are you prone to believe? How can you anchor your heart in God's truth to combat those lies?

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Timothy - Leaders (1 Timothy Chapters 2 & 3)

How can we know what a godly leader is?

Who is one of the best coaches or teachers you have ever known?
What made them so good?

Where is It Written:
Read 1 Timothy Chapter 2

What kinds of prayers does Paul suggest God’s people should pray for all people, including those in authority? Why?
What is the attitude he encourages men to have? (v. 8)
What is the attitude he encourages women to have? (vs. 9-10)

1 Timothy 2:11 has at times been understood as saying that women should never be in a position of leadership in the church. What do you make of this passage in light of what Paul has written about Christian women in other places? (Galatians 3:28, Romans 16:1-14, 1 Corinthians 11:5; 14:34-35)
What are the potential advantages of a local church where both men and women are encouraged to develop whatever gifts God gives them?

Read 1 Timothy Chapter 3
What do you notice about the attributes required of church leaders?
How are these requirements connected to the gospel? (Is having high standards for church leaders a form a legalism? Why or why not?)

How Goes Your Walk:
What principles from these chapters are you most challenged by this week?
How are you praying for leaders?
How are you praying about your own leadership?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Timothy - Paul, Timothy and the Gospel

Letters of leadership and legacy.

Who is someone that has been influential in your life? What made them so influential?
What is one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced in life?

Read 1st Timothy Chapter 1.

Where is It Written?
How does Paul describe his situation before encountering Jesus?
What changed in Paul’s life as a result of God’s mercy?
How does the law contrast with a healthy teaching of the gospel?
In what ways does God’s plan of salvation demonstrate his grace?
Why do people often think that God could never love them or accept them?
How would you respond to the perspective that Paul is calling both men and women to live in contrast to the standard images of male and female in the Roman world?
What are some ways that Christians today are called to live differently than the world around us?

How Goes Your Walk?
What challenges are you facing this week? How can we pray for each other as we face them?