Sunday, November 8, 2020

Revelation - Victory = Faithfulness (Full Service)

  Certain hope for uncertain times.

Getting to Know Each Other:
Have you ever had a very moving experience of worship? What was that like?

Where Is It Written?
Read Revelation 1:12-18.
How did John experience Jesus? What might you do if you saw Jesus like this?
How did Jesus win the victory over death and Hades? (See vs. 18. Read also Phillippians 2:5-11)
How is Jesus’ means of victory different than the way we might otherwise assume victory to happen?

Read Revelation 1:19-20.
What do the lampstands represent?
What do the stars represent? (Remember these symbols for later.)

Read Revelation 2:1-7.
What has the church is Ephesus done well?
What have they neglected?
Have you ever seen a church faithfully defend truth, but forsake loving actions in the process? How do Christians struggle to show both truth and love today?
What will happen if they continue to forsake love?

Read Revelation 2:8-11
What is the church in Smyrna enduring?
What are they about to endure?
How do Christians today experience slander and persecution?

How Goes Your Walk?
How might Jesus’ victory through faithful endurance, even death, change how you personally define victory?
How is your faith being tested?
How are you building an enduring faith?

Values Throughout The Series:
* Expect literal future fulfillment. But be careful about predictions!
* Look for past fulfillment.
* Look for timeless biblical symbols, truths, and principles.
* Be teachable.

Series Challenges:
* Read Revelation (Bonus - Read Daniel 7-12)
* Develop and Deepen a Christian Worldview
* Focus on the Finish Line (Memorize Revelation 21:1-4, 22:1-5)

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