Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Facing the Lions - You Don't Have To Swallow Everything (Daniel 1)

Digging Deeper:
Read Daniel 1:1-2
What do these verses tell us about the recent experiences of the nation and what the Israelites were going through?
Read Daniel 1:3-6
What are these young men being trained for? How were they selected? What does this tell us about the values of their culture? How are youth, beauty, and intelligence given preference today?
Read Daniel 1:7-16
What was Daniel’s resolve? What did he request? What was the test? How did they pass it?
How does our culture seek to “defile” us today?
Read Daniel 1:17-21
What reputation did Daniel and the others begin building?

Applying God’s Word to Our Lives:
What are some of the challenges and struggles that come as the result of affluence?
How does our culture today compromise or corrupt Christian values through affluence?
What indulgence might God be calling you to say “no” to in order to deepen your faith?

Optional Challenge:
What, if anything, are you going to give up for the next 6 weeks in order to focus more on God?

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