Sunday, October 11, 2020

House Wise - The Kind of Life God Blesses (Full Service)

By wisdom, a house is built. Proverbs 24:3

 Discussion Questions:

1. Do you have a hard time allowing yourself to be refreshed by God? (Why or why not?)

2. In what area of life do you most feel a “lack of margin?” How might God be calling you to especially trust Him in that area?

3. How can you refresh others today?

The Proverbs Wisdom Reading & Prayer Plan

1. Read the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds to the day of the month.

2. Pay attention to what catches your attention.

3. Talk to God about what you noticed.

Three Wisdom Commitments:

I will seek wisdom from God. (See the reading & prayer plan above.)

I will spend less time consuming and more time thinking.

I will look for wise examples around me.

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