Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Acts - Holy Boldness


The key wasn't a plan. It was a person. The Holy Spirit.

The same Holy Spirit that guided and empowered the early Church is with us and is available to us today. For the next 8 weeks, we will be immersing ourselves in the book of Act and getting to know the Holy Spirit better.

The Holy Spirit Challenge:
1. Read daily. (10 Minutes +)
2. Notice the Holy Spirit
3. Talk about it with someone.
4. Apply what you've learned.

Discussion Questions for Families and House Churches.

  • What is the difference between “holy boldness” and human bravado?
  • How have you experienced God in the past? Recently?
  • Why is it so important to remember that God has a plan - and that we part of that plan?
  • How is the situation the church was facing in Acts 4 similar to what we are experiencing today? How is the situation different?
  • How are you fostering “holy boldness” in your life?

Join Pastor Andrew next Thursday night at 6:30 pm for an online Bible Study as we get to know the Holy Spirit better and learn to follow Him in our lives. 

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