Thursday, August 15, 2019

David & Johnathon

Impossible challenges, true friendship and the dangers of compromise. This is the story of David.

Where is it written?
Read 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 1 Samuel 19:1-7, 1 Samuel 20:1-42, 2 Samuel 1:26 and 2 Samuel 9:1-17.

  • What do you notice about David and Johnathon’s relationship?
  • What risks did each take for each other?
  • How did they show loyalty to each other?
  • How did they show affection towards each other?

What might David and Johnathon’s relationship teach us about friendship?

Some modern readers have suggested that David and Johnathon were in a same-sex sexual relationship because of their open displays of affection. Others, including Pastor Andrew, would say that such a conclusion is imposing our own hyper-sexualized cultural assumption onto our reading of the Bible, especially as there is no direct biblical evidence of a sexual relationship between David and Johnathon. What do YOU think?

How goes your walk?

  • Do you think friendship is getting harder to find and maintain today than it used to be? Why or why not?
  • What, if anything, keeps you from pursuing deeper friendships?
  • What steps are you taking to form and deepen the friendships in your life?
  • How does knowing Jesus as a friend help to deepen your purely human friendships too?

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