Thursday, November 15, 2018

Nehemiah - What Breaks Your Heart?

Nehemiah was an Israelite living in the capital city of the Persian Empire where he served as cupbearer to the king. About 170 years earlier, his people had been exiled to this region as a 70-year punishment from God. The Temple in Jerusalem, 800 miles away, had been destroyed and the walls of the city had been torn down. The 50,000 Israelites who returned to the promised land after the exile were vulnerable because the walls had not yet been rebuilt. So God placed a seemingly impossible task on Nehemiah’s heart. A study in leadership.

Where Is It Written?
Read Nehemiah Chapter 1. What is the situation?
What is Nehemiah’s response in verse 4 after he hears the report?
What do you notice about Nehemiah’s prayer in verses 5-11?
Why do you think Nehemiah takes personal responsibility for the sins of the people in verse 6?

How Goes Your Walk?
What issue(s) in the world today break your heart?
What barriers keep you from feeling godly sadness about it?
What might God be leading you to do about it?

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