Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Escape Your Island - "Knowing and Using Your Spiritual Gifts - Part 2"

You can escape your island of isolation and build the kind of community you've been longing for.

Icebreaker Question: What is something that most people don’t know about you?

Where is it Written?
Compare the lists in Romans 12:6–8, and 1 Corinthians 12:8–10. What differences do you notice between them?

For each of the gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8 list ways those gifts could be used to serve God’s work in the world. (For example, what are ways that someone with the gift of encouragement could use that gift?)

How Goes Your Walk?
How are you using your Spiritual Gifts now? How are you hoping to grow in your use of your gifts?

Reviewing Our Time Together in This Series:
Where are your “Need Meters” now? (Mark the appropriate place on the scale for each.)

I Feel Encouraged Empty -------- Full
I Feel Confident Empty -------- Full
I Feel Supported Empty -------- Full
I Feel Joyful Empty -------- Full

How do your "meters" today compare to when our Connection Group started?

Attributes This Series Has Been Developing:
Give a 1-5 rating for each attribute based on how true each statement is for you today.
(1 = not true. 5 =very true.)

_____ I put Christ first in my life.
_____ I feed myself spiritually daily.
_____ I invest in Christian friendship.
_____ I am honest with myself and others.
_____ I know and apply my Spiritual Gifts.

What attribute did you give the highest rating to? Why? How does this compare to when our Connection Group started?

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