Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Help, I'm A Porn Addict

A biblical introduction to a touchy subject.

Where is it Written?
Read Mark 10:6-9 - What does this passage teach us about God’s purposes for marital sex?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 - How can sexual immorality take control over our lives?
Read 1 Corinthian 6:14-18
What power from (verse 14) is present in the lives of believers?
How do we benefit from that power?
How does a life submitted to God change our sexual choices?
What do you think of the challenge to surrender your sexuality to God?

Read Matthew 5:27-28
What is the difference between a passing temptation and a lustful gaze?
How can we train our minds to keep the temptation from turning into lust?

Read James 5:16 - How can telling someone else about your struggles lessen their power over you?

Read Romans 6:13 - How might this verse relate to sexual wholeness?
Read Romans 6:14 - How does knowing God’s unconditional love for you (grace) break the power of sin?

How Goes Your Walk?
• What attitudes about sex were you raised with?
◦ How did those attitudes and teachings affect you?
• What advice or teaching about sex do you wish you had heard earlier than you did?
• What challenges might someone face if they try to honor God sexually?
• What advice would you give someone who was struggling with pornography or other forms of sexual immorality?
• How has God’s grace changed your sexual attitudes and behaviors?

Recommended Resources for Care:
• Local Sexaholics Anonymous - 541-903-5398 Message

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