Monday, November 6, 2017

Happily Ever After - Fish in the Right Pond (And Use the Right Bait)

We all need relationships. But it seems harder than ever to build a relationship that lasts. Whether married, single, divorced or widowed, God’s Word has powerful, timely advice for building the lasting relationships we long for. But some of God’s relationship advice is so counter-cultural that following requires a radical act of trust. Will you trust God to help you build your closest relationships?

Conversation Starter:
What's one of the strangest ways you've ever heard of people meeting?

Read Proverbs 13:20
What's something "brave" you've done because of the positive or negative influence of friends?

Read Psalm 1:1‭-‬2
How have friendships either helped you or hindered you in your walk with the Lord?

Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
How would you put this teaching in your own words?
Where might this warning against "yoking" or partnership apply beyond marriage?
What is the difference between the church being "in the world" and "the world" being in the church? Which one do you think Paul is addressing in this passage?

Questions for Personal Reflection:
Who are the people in the "Keep" of your life?
Who are people in the "Courtyard?"
Is there anyone currently in your "Keep" who shouldn't be? If so, will you ask God to show you what emotional boundaries to put in place - and possibly what difficult conversations to have?

If your Keep is empty, will you ask God to help you discern what emotional and spiritual health looks like and grow in your ability to trust?

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