Monday, November 20, 2017

Happily Ever After - Building Guardrails

We all need relationships. But it seems harder than ever to build a relationship that lasts. Whether married, single, divorced or widowed, God’s Word has powerful, timely advice for building the lasting relationships we long for. But some of God’s relationship advice is so counter-cultural that following requires a radical act of trust. Will you trust God to help you build your closest relationships?

Conversation Starter:
When has a barrier, safety device or other form of guardrail prevented you from experiencing something much worse?

SEX - Read Matthew 5:27-28
What are some of the most common "triggers" for sexual temptation?
Does this emphasis on purity of thought life seem excessive to you? Why or why not?
What, if any, guardrails against sexual sin are in your life now?

MONEY - Read Proverbs 6:6-8 & Malachi 3:10
How would you summarize these teachings on savings and giving?
What financial plans and patterns guide your life now?
What financial advice do you wish you could have given yourself 10 years ago?

TIME - Read Exodus 20:8-10
How would you summarize this teaching in your own words?
What life factors most rob you of rest?
What life factors most rob you of focus?

Applying God's Word:
Which of these three areas do you have the strongest guardrails in place?
Which is your weakest area?
What is your next guardrail placement step?

Recommended Resources:
Sexual Temptation: Establishing Guardrails and Winning the Battle by Randy Alcorn
Every Young Woman's Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World by Shannon Ethridge
Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn - Christian-based Time Management Principles

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