Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Facing the Lions - The God Who Shapes History (Daniel 2)

Human kingdoms fall. God's kingdom is forever.

Icebreaker - What is one of the strangest or weirdest dreams you have ever had?

Read Daniel 2:1-11
What challenge does Nebuchadnezzar give his “advisers?” What is at stake for them? Why can’t they give an answer?
Read Daniel 2:12-18
What does the other “advisers” failure mean for Daniel and his friends? How does Daniel inquire into the problem? What does his inquiry reveal about his character? When have you been in a humanly impossible situation?
Read Daniel 2:19-28
What happens? Who is Daniel quick to credit for the answer?
Read Daniel 2:29-45
What is the vision and what does it mean? What is the main point of the vision? (see vs. 44)
Read Daniel 2:46-49
How do things turn out for Daniel?

Applying God’s Word:
Our deepest character and beliefs are revealed by pressure. How have you been shaped by times of pressure?

How does knowing that "human kingdoms will fall but God’s kingdom is forever" change how you live today? Your worries? Your allegiances? Your priorities?

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